Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Taxviking Companies

This summer, I've reorganized my business. The new name, Taxviking Companies, reflects my three distinct lines of service:

  • Tax Attorney
  • Private Tax Service
  • Taxviking Continuing Professional Education Services
I've also remodeled my website and given it a new look. You can see the changes at www.taxviking.com.

Friday, July 27, 2012

A visitor

Thursday afternoon, this sweet, 12 year-old dog showed up at my door. She was lost, hot, tired, hungry, thirsty and very scared. I let her in, and while I cooked a chicken breast for her, she laid down and cooled herself on the cold tile floor inside my door.

Once the smell of cooked chicken permeated the air, "Gladys" decided to come to the kitchen and investigate. After her meal, she retired to a spot underneath my dining room table, where she settled in for a long nap.

A digital picture and an advertisement on Craigslist reunited her with her owners, who live several blocks away. "Gladys" resumed her life as "Chiquita," and all is well.

She was good company on a summer afternoon.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Running away and joining the circus!

Circus World is located on the former winter grounds of the Ringling Brothers Circus in Baraboo, Wisconsin. You can see a magic show, a circus, and view dozens of circus wagons, circus memorabilia, and other paraphernalia!

Marshall Field and Company brought us "The Golden Age of Chivalry." How apropos.

"Make every day a circus day!"